Feliz Navidad!



We are very proud to be celebrating three years of continuous support for the nuns’ (Fundacio de Cors Oberts) food bank, supplying people in need with fresh produce on a bi-weekly basis.


A big THANK YOU to our generous donors, and a very happy festive season.







Workshops and Computers

These last two months have seen some interesting developments and adjustments in our projects, all very positive.


Although our ‘Mindfulness Course for Teachers’ did not take off, we decided to make the 8 week workshop available to ALL the people of Pollença. We now have about 20 participants coming to Club Pollença every week to listen to the teachings of Pep Luis Reig, a renowned psychologist and the initiator of the “Pollença Mindful” project.


Mindfulness Workshop with Pep Reig


The “Garage Emocional” half-day workshops for children aged 9 to 15 (by Fabrica de Valientes) had to be postponed at the last moment due to Covid restrictions. They are now planned to be held on the 3rd of September in both Pollensa and the Port.


We are sponsoring Espai Saba in doing a summer workshop for adolescents from economically challenged families in Puerto Pollensa. Apart from emotional and social skills development, the young people will be introduced to professionals from their “dream jobs”, thus helping and guiding them in their career choices and ideas.


Espai Saba Adolescent Workshop


Portatiles para las Escuelas


This week we will be ordering 60 laptops for donation to the schools of Puerto Pollensa to make sure that every child has access to this invaluable learning tool. This project is being financed through specific donations.



Our Bellaverde Sunday soup kitchen has been paused after over two months of weekly cooking, as the tourist season in Mallorca is tentatively beginning and Bellaverde has opened its doors to customers again.


And our longest running project, supporting the food banks of ‘the nuns’ and HOPE on a bi-monthly / weekly basis, respectively, has continued throughout.


Cors Oberts Food Bank


There is no knowing how well the season is going to progress or whether there will be enough business to really make a difference in the lives of all those affected by the Covid crisis.

We intend to carry on helping for as long as we are needed.


With our best wishes for a wonderful summer!


The PollençaCARES Team


Mindfulness Workshop after a Happy Easter

It has been quite a while since we last shared some of our news, and now we have BIG news:

We are launching the first in a series of workshops aimed at supporting people’s emotional and mental wellbeing in Pollença.

‘Mindfulness Training for Teachers’ is a tribute to the incredible work teachers have been doing throughout this pandemic in caring for the young, and to how, through their committed work, they have kept up as much ‘normality’ as possible for our children.

Taller de Mindfulness Adreçat als Docents de Pollença
Click the image to view the PDF

Continue reading “Mindfulness Workshop after a Happy Easter”

Comida Solidaria

We are very excited to announce the beginning of our collaboration with Restaurante Bellaverde and Svenja Gallé and her team.

Comida Solidaria con Restaurante Bellaverde

Comida Solidaria con Restaurante Bellaverde


Last Sunday we served over 200 nutritious and healthy vegetarian take-away lunches to residents of Puerto Pollensa who had signed up through social services and HOPE.


As always, we hope to sponsor this project for as long as possible and necessary.



This Sunday Svenja will be cooking 250 ‘comidas solidarias’, assisted by her trusted team of staff who are all volunteering for this project.





Our butano-bottle sponsoring is well under way, possibly to be repeated in the future.


And of course our food bank support for ‘the Nuns’ and HOPE continues as ever.




A big thank you to the many donors from afar who have kept Pollensa and its people in their hearts!


Our First Month

We are now a month into doing our charity work, and the most important thing to say right now is a gigantic THANK YOU to all our donors. You are making it possible for us to do our part in helping, and together we are making many people’s lives in Pollensa a little bit easier.


Hope Mallorca Food Bank

We are committed to supplementing the  food bank of the Fundaciò Cors Oberts, through the The Nuns, with fresh produce until early summer, which means that over 40 families will benefit on a regular basis.

A new food bank run by the charity HOPE Mallorca has opened up in Pollensa. They operate on a weekly basis, last week handing out groceries to 110 people / families. We started supporting them 2 weeks ago and are, again, committed to a long term collaboration.

Continue reading “Our First Month”

Gifts from Los Reyes Magos!

We are so happy to have been able to help make this Christmas a bit more joyful for 27 children in Puerto Pollensa.

Gifts from the Magi


By collaborating with Caritas and the parish, we were sure the gifts would reach the children on the eve of the Three Kings Day, maybe even being delivered by one of the “Reyes” himself….


Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to everyone who, through their donation, helped make this possible, and we wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year!



First Food Bank Drive!

PollençaCARES’ first fresh food delivery to supplement the nuns’ bi-monthly food bank – a supermarket of hope!

We are supporting the Sisters of the Fundació Cors Oberts in Pollença because they have been a place to turn to for the people of Pollença during difficult times for decades.

First Food Bank Drive - Pollensa December 2020

First Food Bank Drive - Pollença December 2020


Their help is discreet and unbureaucratic, and comes from the heart. No one is turned away.


Many, many thanks to all of you who have made donations to PollençaCARES, and through us, to people in need.

We couldn’t be doing this without your help!


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